Saturday, October 27, 2012

Some Details for Clarrification

The rain showers from Sandy will likely start on Sunday, although the main effects of the winds and rain from Sandy won't start until Monday morning.  The winds and rain will then increase in intensity through the day on Monday and especially during the night on Monday.  The worst of the effects will be felt here on Monday night with high winds and heavy rain.  The worst of the storm storm will be over and gone by Tuesday morning so the clean-up can begin.  Tuesday we will just see showery weather and it will still be breezy, but nothing like on Monday.  As far as work and schools go, I would guess that we will be under a State of Emergency on Monday and Tuesday, so I would assume that most schools and business will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, although I guess it is possible that some businesses would be able start re-opening on Tuesday as the day goes on and clean up begins.  It will also be dependent upon when they can restore electrical power and clear debris from the roads as to whether schools will be able to re-open on Wednesday.  It is conceivable to me that schools might not be able to reopen all week, but again it depends upon how long it takes them to restore electrical power and clear the roads of debris.  

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