Saturday, October 27, 2012

This Scary Comment Just Posted from Weather Forecaster that I Respect Very Much, Roger Smith

GFS (American Model) simply apocalyptic, notice advection of current core thickness signature (582 dm) into NJ coast. Notice also the westward advection of very high thickness values into n NJ and even e half PA, implies mega-heavy rainfalls, 6 inch per hour rainfall rates could verify in this onslaught. Agree with previous posters on wind speed potentials, if this verifies, and storm surge would have to be at a historic high. This will come on very fast later Monday in this scenario. This would play out like spread-out cat-3 landfall and location is worst case for it to signal explosive transition more explicitly. Rotation around this kind of setup would have to be violent given the height falls underway.
Thousand year return storm is my assessment of that model run

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