Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday Morning's Weather Discussion - Still Watching for the Potential of Our First Snowstorm of the Season Next Tuesday

The remnants of Sandy continue to linger in or area and will do so through Friday, bringing the chance of a shower, which could be mixed with snow in the higher elevations of Northwest New Jersey.  After Sandy finally leaves on Friday, it will get cold, so I hope they are able to get power restored in most locations by the weekend.  Highs will be in the 40’s starting on Saturday, but more importantly, the lows will be in the 20’s, so there will be a real possibility of people freezing to death if power is not restored by Sunday.  Then, to add insult to injury, there is a real possibility of our first snowstorm of the season next Tuesday.  A storm system will start to develop in the Southeastern United States as another piece of energy from the polar jet stream will merge with a piece of energy from the sub-tropical jet stream.  This will cause a storm to develop and then move Northeast, intensify slightly as it does so, possibly becoming a Nor’easter, although nothing even remotely close to what we just experienced.  It will however bring us a chance of rain or snow depending on the exact track that it takes.  It is also entirely possible that this storm will miss us to the southeast as it heads off the coast.  This storm is a little too far out to know whether or not it will affect us at all, or if it does, whether it will be rain or snow, so just stay tuned. 

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