Saturday, August 14, 2021

Saturday, August 14, 2021 - Daily Weather Discussion


July was the warmest month in 142 years of recordkeeping and my rant instead of a daily weather discussion...

Well, we did it again.  July was the warmest month ever in 142 years of recordkeeping.  It is absolutely undeniable, the planet is warming, and it is doing so quickly. I will leave the answer as to why to others, but it is undeniable that it is warming and those who have been saying it wasn’t warming are just spewing garbage, and please stop listening to anything they say.

Click here to read the story from the Associated Press. If we don’t soon put a stop to this the glaciers will melt completely, and the oceans will rise quickly, and the Gulf Stream will likely stop flowing. This is the reality. The only question is whether we have the will to put a stop to this and the pandemic for that matter, or whether people will just listen to garbage on both of these topics and let the planet become unlivable and the pandemic to continue to rage, killing millions of people needlessly.

I have nothing else to say today.  I will let you all think about this.  I believe very strongly that I have had covid twice now and I am tired of feeling ill and tired of the planet burning and breaking record high temperatures every year. 

We also must be careful not to elect politicians who want to turn our country into a Dictatorship. We are in danger on many levels and if a lot of people don’t wake up we will be in a heap of trouble. Saying all this was far more important than any daily weather discussion I could have possibly done.

I am sure some of you didn't want to hear, read, or see this, but sometimes we have to tell the truth in life, rather than tell people what they want to hear. If you are one of the people who didn't want to see this, I am sorry, but it is the truth. Period.  End of sentence. I am trying to save our country and us from needless death and destruction and I hope we can all come together and do that before it is too late. 

Have a wonderful evening!

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