Monday, January 24, 2022

Monday, January 24, 2022 - Daily Weather Discussion


Two big stories this week, one will be the COLD Thursday morning and the second will be the potential for a powerful Nor’easter along the coast Friday night into Saturday…

The two big stories this week will be the cold on Thursday morning, with lows possibly reaching as low as around 10 below zero in Northeastern PA.

The second big story, and this could indeed be a very big story, depending upon how all the pieces come together, will be the possibility for a powerful Nor’easter developing off the Middle Atlantic Coast Friday night and going into Saturday. IF all the pieces come together this storm could become very strong and bring areas of the coastal Middle Atlantic and New England blizzard conditions, but we will just have to wait and see if and how these pieces come together, as if they don’t come together, it would be a sunny weekend instead, so check back for updates.

Have a fantastic day!

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