Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Tuesday, July 9, 2024 - Weather Discussion


Showers and thunderstorms will return, and the heat continues for another 10 days or so, and a bit of a political rant...

It will remain hot for the next 10 days or so with chances for showers or thunderstorms nearly every day, especially tomorrow night through Saturday. Highs will generally be in the mid 80’s to mid 90’s over the next 10-12 days, but a bit cooler, however humid on the rainy days, making if feel just as bad.

As far as politics goes, the guy that told me to drop it and that it is complicated is correct. Biden is a disaster and is completely responsible for the Ukraine war, due to his ineptitude.  He is the second worst president in my lifetime behind baby Bush.  He needs to step aside, or else it will be a landslide. He and the Democratic party that also brought us Hillary Clinton who lost to Trump due to her arrogance, will change nothing. They will go down in flames and take us all with them, just as Ginsburg did. Greed and arrogance are not good. 

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